Bluebonnet Notes (South Texas)
Since 2010 I have spent a significant amount of time each spring looking for bluebonnets across the state of Texas. Prior to the 2020 Texas bluebonnet season, I decided to begin trying to predict the best areas to find bluebonnets based on rainfall maps and then, after the season ends, posting a review of my prognosticatory successes and failures as well as ratings of the bluebonnet displays for each region of Texas with which I am familiar. I do these for my own enjoyment as well as to keep a record of my thoughts about years past. I do not post exact locations of bluebonnets either in predictions or reviews.
2023 Bluebonnet Season Review
Each region is rated on a scale of 1-5. Obviously, with limited time one can only cover so much of any given area, and all opinions regarding bloom quality are subjective. The ratings are assigned as follows:
1 - Bad2 - Could have been better3 - Good4 - Great5 - Best I've ever seen Big BendAs expected, the 2023 bluebonnet season in the Big Bend was another bust, although, I would say I saw more blooms this year than I did in 2022...
2023 Bluebonnet Forecast (Part II) - South Texas
In Part I of this series we took a look at the rainfall data from the Big Bend in West Texas. In Part II we will look at the data from South Texas. For the purposes of this article, South Texas is defined as Atascosa County, DeWitt County, Gonzales County, Guadalupe County, Karnes County, and Wilson County. Although there are certainly plenty of other areas of South Texas where bluebonnets bloom, these are the areas with which I am most familiar.
2022 Bluebonnet Season Review
Each region is rated on a scale of 1-5. Obviously, with limited time one can only cover so much of any given area, and all opinions regarding bloom quality are subjective. The ratings are assigned as follows:
1 - Bad2 - Could have been better3 - Good4 - Great5 - Outstanding Big Bend
My fifth trip to the Big Bend region region during bluebonnet season was, once again, a bust...
2022 Bluebonnet Forecast (Part II) - South Texas
In Part I of this series we took a look at the rainfall data from the Big Bend in West Texas. In Part II we will look at the data from South Texas. For the purposes of this article, South Texas is defined as Atascosa County, DeWitt County, Gonzales County, Guadalupe County, Karnes County, and Wilson County...
2021 Bluebonnet Season Review
Though the 2021 bluebonnet season has long since passed, a brief review of each region's bloom is in order so that the predictions made prior to the season can be evaluated, and so that there is a record of what took place for posterity's sake...
2021 Bluebonnet Forecast (Part II) - South Texas
In Part I of this series we took a look at the rainfall and temperature data from the Big Bend in West Texas. In Part II we will look at the weather data from South Texas. For the purposes of this article, South Texas is defined as Atascosa County, DeWitt County, Gonzales County, Guadalupe County, Karnes County, and Wilson County...
2020 Bluebonnet Season Review
As the 2020 bluebonnet season draws to a close, a brief review of each region's bloom is in order so that the predictions made prior to the season can be evaluated, and so that there is a record of what took place for posterity's sake...
2020 Bluebonnet Forecast (Part II) - South Texas
In Part I of this series we took a look at the rainfall and temperature data from the Big Bend in West Texas. In Part II we will look at the weather data from South Texas. For the purposes of this article, South Texas is defined as Atascosa County, DeWitt County, Gonzales County, Guadalupe County, Karnes County, and Wilson County...
Contributing factors for a bluebonnet bloom (Part III): South Texas
In Part I of this series we discussed the factors which contribute to a successful bluebonnet season. In Part II we looked at weather data from the Big Bend in West Texas. In Part III, we will take a look at weather data for the 2010, 2015, and 2019 bluebonnet seasons in South Texas...