A Portrait Of Home

About A Portrait of Home

Though the term home is typically used to indicate one’s place of residence, for some it can be a much more abstract concept. At its core, the word bespeaks an emotional bond borne out of a reverence for and comfort in a place. An inevitable result of such intimate acquaintance with a place is an intense familiarity with and appreciation of the minute details of it that the occasional visitor might never notice.

It is in this abstract sense that I consider a piece of land in the Western Cross Timbers region of Central Texas in San Saba County a home. Though it is not my permanent residence I have lived in it, worked on it, witnessed its seasonal transformations, and watched with anticipation as the cycle of life plays out on it over and over again.

The land has become part of who I am. A Portrait of Home seeks to reveal my deep connection with it and the love I have for it.